Wednesday, September 17, 2014

My new Stampin' Up! demonstrator's kit!

Well Mr. Brown (UPS) finally came and brought my much anticipated package!  I will try to post a video soon about opening my new demonstrator's start up kit.  I was just too excited, I had to tear into it!
Keep Scrappin',

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Paper, Scissors, Glue oh my!

Today you may ask a typical kid what his/her favorite toys are, and you may hear, "xbox, or iPod" depending on the age.  But in my day---did I really just say "but in my day?"--- well, yes I guess I did. In my day, I loved paper dolls, Lite Brites, and my Spyrograph.  Go ahead and google them if you aren't familiar with these beloved toys.  The fun thing about them all was that I loved creating intricate designs out of almost nothing. As soon as I was finished with my masterpiece I would run and show my mom. It was like magic. It really made my heart happy when my mom would love the colors or think the paperdoll outfit was just right and so on.

I guess not much has changed since then.  I'm still playing with paper, still creating fun designs with ink, punches, and all sorts of fun toys/tools (ehem.. cough..ehem..the Bigshot---you can ask me about this product!)  And most of all I love sharing my creations with others.  It still makes my heart happy when someone enjoys the card I made especially for them....I really hope it makes their heart happy too. 

So naturally, I had to find a way to share my passion for paper, glue, scissors and all things pretty.  I found Stampin' Up!  I fell in love and recently signed up to become an Independent Demonstrator for Stampin' Up!  I hope through my blog, workshops, stamp clubs, hostess clubs, and other opportunities, I will be able to share my enjoyment of our great products that help inspire you to create and share your wonderful creations too.

Keep Scrappin',